Crazy Until It's Not: Startups, Venture Capital & Big Ideas
Digital JPEGs selling for millions of dollars; machines that turn thin air into food; people buying a McDonald's with Bitcoin; an AI program that can replace illustrators; psychedelics being prescribed by doctors. What do these ideas have in common? They were all completely crazy notions until, one day, before most people had even heard of them, they were part of our world. So what’s next? “Crazy until it’s not” is a podcast by firstminute capital where we talk with tech visionaries about their predictions for the future — ideas that may seem crazy today but could be part of daily life tomorrow. We ask each guest to come onto the show with one big, bold and non-obvious vision for the next five years as a jumping-off point for debate about how the world will be tomorrow. Previous guests on the firstminute capital podcast include Tony Blair, David Bonderman, Roelof Boetha, Max & Nellie Levchin, Jeff Immelt, Rio Ferdinand, Sir Hermann Hauser, Nico Rosberg and Niklas Zennstrom.
Crazy Until It's Not: Startups, Venture Capital & Big Ideas
More People Will Make a Living Gaming Than Making Cars | Robby Yung | Animoca Brands | firstminute capital
Season 1
Episode 1
In a few years' time, there will be more people making a living playing video games than making cars.
So more people making money from just PLAYING video games they enjoy than in making the 80m cars that are made every year.
That sounds crazy!
That at any rate is the big bold prediction of Robby Yung, the CEO of Animoca Brands, one of the leading blockchain gaming companies.
He is talking about the mega move out there from play-to-play gaming (where you pay money for a game and then you just play it) to play-to-earn gaming (where you are in some way rewarded financially for playing).
After listening to the podcast though, you might not think it's so crazy after all!