Crazy Until It's Not: Startups, Venture Capital & Big Ideas

Call centres will no longer exist | Nikola Mrkšić | PolyAI | firstminute capital

firstminute capital

Society needs to brace itself.

Tens of millions of people around the world work in call centres - but the latest advances in Generative AI and synthetic voice are set to make around 🤯🤯 🤯 80% of their jobs redundant 🤯 🤯 🤯 .

That's according to Nikola Mrkšić, the founder of PolyAI, a machine learning platform that buildings chatbots or voice-based agents for call centres.

In this episode of Crazy Until It's Not, we talk about the story behind PlolyAI and Nikola himself. And we also talk about what it means for society if so many jobs are getting automated.