Crazy Until It's Not: Startups, Venture Capital & Big Ideas

We can engineer biology | Stef van Grieken | founder of Cradle | firstminute capital

firstminute capital Season 2 Episode 4

DNA is an alien programming language - that can be learned

That's the mind blowing idea of Stef van Grieken, the founder of Cradle, which is unlocking the keys to human biology.

What does he mean here?

Well, DNA was not designed like most languages, but it evolved, and so it's hard to understand and harder to engineer. 

But what if, similarly to how we have learned natural language, we might be able to engineer organic chemistry?

That's exciting because most of the things around us are biology, including ourselves. 

So if we could tweak that or engineer that then that could open up a really exciting future.  Imagine the possibilities if we could engineer life itself to solve global challenges, from health to sustainability!